City Council

The City Council of Odem consists of a mayor and five council members elected by a majority vote at large. Each member runs for office in a numbered place position.  Both the Mayor and members of the city council are elected for a term of two years and will hold office until their respective successors have been elected and qualified.

The council’s responsibility is to enact policies, adopt ordinances an resolutions, and establish the annual budget in order to provide services to the public. The Mayor and council members are also responsible for and require that the city secretary enforce all laws: federal, state, and municipal.

City Council Members

David Bargas Maldonado
David Bargas Maldonado
Phone: 361-368-2831
Billy V. Huerta
Alderman Place 1
Billy V. Huerta
Phone: 361-368-2831
Yolanda Roblez-Alvaro
Alderman Place 2
Yolanda Roblez-Alvaro
Phone: 361-368-2831
Isaac Dominguez
Alderman Place 3
Isaac Dominguez
Phone: 361-368-2831
Jesse Falcon
Alderman Place 4
Jesse Falcon
Phone: 361-368-2831
Elizabeth Asevedo Candela
Alderman Place 5
Elizabeth Asevedo Candela
Phone: 361-368-2831

Date: First Tuesday of each month

Time: 7:00pm CST

Location:  Community Room of the Public Library, 516 Voss Avenue, Odem TX 78370

City council meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend and actively participate in the city government.

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas are available prior to the meeting. Minutes are available following council approval.

You can find a copy of past agendas and minutes here (Meeting Agendas)