Court Contact Information:
Odem Municipal Court
1100 Voss Ave
Odem, TX 78370
Phone: 361-368-7555
Fax: 361-368-1218
NOTICE: To resolve your citation, you can call or mail a letter to the court or put it in the drop box in front of our building.
Looking for information regarding your citation? Please refer to the options below or send an email to

City Attorney
The City of Odem Municipal Court has jurisdiction over Class C misdemeanor offenses that occur within the city limits.
These include but are not limited to:
- Traffic offenses
- Parking offenses
- City Ordinances
- Certain criminal offenses punishable by a fine of $500 or less
Odem Municipal Court operates with traditional formality. You must be respectful of everyone in the Court. This includes the Judge, City Attorney, court staff, and all others waiting to be seen by the Judge.
When in Court, please observe the following rules:
- No weapons are permitted in the Municipal Court building
- Turn cell phones off while in the courtroom
- When addressing the Judge, stand a few feet back from the bench. Do not lean on the bench.
- No food or drink is allowed
- Please remain quiet while the Judge is giving instructions and calling the docket
- Avoid bringing small children to court
- Dress accordingly, no cut offs, shorts, tank tops, caps, no obscene slogans on clothing will be allowed
The court staff will help you in any way they can regarding the process of your case(s) but cannot give any legal advice or recommendations on what you should do.
The Municipal Court has jurisdiction over juvenile, 16 years of age and younger at the time of the offense, charges with Class C misemeanors. All juveniles are required to appear in open court for the proceedings in their cases. The parent or legal guardian of any juvenile with charges in Municipal Court is required to appear in court with their child.
Juveniles who fail to appear or resolve their cases will be reported to the Department of Public Safety, who will deny renewal of their driver’s license. If they do not have a license, they will be unable to obtain one until they have satisfied all obligations to this court.
All juveniles must appear before the Judge and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. All persons 18 years old and younger who have been charged with an alcohol or tobacco related offense must appear before the Judge with a parent or legal guardian.
Preparing for Court
Items to bring to Court: Any documents that prove compliance with the judge’s orders Any receipts regarding to your case Appropriate dress is required: No cut offs, shorts, tank tops, caps, no obscene slogans on clothing will be allowed.
Proper identification
Driver’s license
State issued ID
Method of payment:
Money order
Cashiers check
Credit Card
A per transaction service fee will be charged by the payment processing company for this service
Pay Online Guidelines
You must understand that payment in full of any fine through this system constitutes an admission of guilt and will result in the entry of a conviction against you. Any such convictions will be reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety or to the state from which your driver’s license has been issued.
Juveniles and minors cannot pay their citations online through this website. All juveniles are required to appear in open court accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. A minor is also required to appear in Court with a parent or legal guardian if he or she is 18 years of age or younger and charged with an alcohol-related violation.
- Juveniles are defined as persons 16 years of age or younger.
- Minors are persons 21 years of age and younger on alcohol -related offenses and under 18 years of age in tobacco-related offenses.
This service cannot be used for the following situations:
- You cannot use this service to pay any alternative sentencing option such as a driving safety course or deferred disposition.
- You cannot make partial payments.
- You cannot pay cash bonds.
- You cannot pay a Warrant
A per transaction service fee will be charged by the payment processing company for this service
Quick links
Texas DPS Driver License Division
Odem City Ordinances
Texas Statutes
Option 1: Pay Fine
You may enter a plea of guilty or no contest and pay the fine(s) in full. Either plea will substantiate a finding of guilt, which will result in a conviction on your riving record, and indicates your agreement to waive your right to a trial.
Option 2: Payment Plan
If you are unable to pay all fines, costs and fees at once, the court will allow you to make and sign a payment plan agreement. If any part of fine cost is not paid within 30 days from the date of conviction, a mandatory $25.00 time payment fee shall be added to the total amount due, as required by law.
Option 3: Driving Safety Course
If you are charged with a traffic offense under the Transportation Code, you may request to take a driving safety course. (You must submit your request and receive authorization from the court prior to completing the class.)
if you meet certain qualifications:
1. You must possess a valid Texas driver’s license.
2. You must have proof of financial responsibility.
3. Enter a plea of nolo contendere or guilty
4. Pay court costs plus a $10 administrative fee
A driving safety course is a way of having your citation dismissed. You will be allowed to take the course approved by the Texas Education Agency and return your certificate to this court. If you do not provide proof of successful completion, you will be required to return to court to show cause why you did not comply with the court order. If the court does not receive your driving safety course certificate and certified driving record within 90 days from the date the order was given, it will result in a conviction on your driving record.
A Driving Safety Course is not available to holders of a Commercial Driver’s License, or if you have taken a Driving Safety Course within the preceding twelve (12) month period, or if you were charged with speeding 25 or more miles over the limit, fail to remain at the scene of an accident, cell phone use in a school zone, or overtaking and passing a school bus.
Option 4: Deferred Disposition
Deferred disposition is a way of having your citation dismissed. In order to have your ticket dismissed you must complete a probationary period assigned by the court in which no additional conviction are received and satisfy all requirements imposed in the deferral.
A Deferred Disposition is not available if you have been on Deferred Disposition in the preceding twelve (12) month period, the moving violation occurred in a construction or maintenance work zone when workers were present or if you are a holder of a Commercial Driver’s License. If you are under the age of 25, you must take a defensive driving course as a condition of your deferred disposition.
Option 5: Contest Citation(s)
If you wish to contest a citation, you need to notify the court in person or by mail before your appearance date and enter a plea of not guilty. If you are represented by an attorney, he/she may submit a plea of not guilty by mail with a letter of representation. This will schedule you for a pre-trial or plea hearing with the Prosecutor. You will be mailed a court date and time to appear. Note: Only you or an attorney representing you can enter a plea on your behalf.
A conviction of an offense under a traffic law of this state may result in the assessment on your driver’s license. If you fail to appear in court, you may be denied the renewal of your driver’s license.
Please contact the court at 361-368-7555 for fine amount of an offense.