Water Department

The City of Odem’s water department supervises the quality of our water by maintaining the operation of the water treatment facility and periodic flushing of the water lines. We also maintain and repair water leaks, water main breaks, water meters and fire hydrants.

Waste water

We also maintain the upkeep of the waste water treatment plant on County Road 2221, sewer backups, wastewater main repairs and lift stations.

The current Consumer Confidence Report can be viewed here (link)

Sewer Backups

The Wastewater department provides a service for sewer backups. There is no fee to the customer if the problem is on the City side. A resident is required to have a cleanout by the property line in order for our department to have access and the ability to run the sewer machine through the cleanout. We also clean out the sewer main lines with a jetting machine when needed.

Water Report